Monstera Adansonii

Monstera Adansonii, also known as the Swiss cheese vine, has beautiful, oval leaves that are full of fenestrations. The Monstera Adansonii’s foliage will either make you fall in love with it or not. Once you fall in love with it, you’ll want to get one for yourself!
There are two ways you can grow your Monstera Adansonii. You can make it climb up a pole, or make it trail down as a vine. Both of the looks are great! It is natural for Monstera Adansonii to grow into trees. If you let the plant climb on something, it will grow faster.
There are a few different kinds of Monstera Adansonii. The leaves look a little different, but the care is the same.

Monstera Adansonii

People who own this plant love that it is so easy to look after because it is called Monstera Adansonii. First, you need to make sure the watering is correct. That means you should only water the soil when it is almost dry.

Overwatering is the number one killer of house plants. Root rot can happen if you keep watering your plant without letting the soil at least partly dry out.

Before you water your plants, check the soil. When you water your plant, make sure the water gets to all the roots (on all sides of the pot). After watering, get rid of all the extra water. Keep it out of the water for less than half an hour. It needs what kind of soil to grow. Monstera Adansonii can live on a wide range of soils. There are certain types of soil it likes best: soil with good drainage, soil that is made of peat moss or coco coir, and soil that is made of pumice or perlite. I put them in a houseplant potting mix that has both of the mediums I talked about above, as well as hummus, which is good for them. In order to avoid root rot, you need drainage holes.

Monstera Adansonii


Monstera Adansonii can handle different lighting conditions. If you have the ability, provide it with bright, indirect lighting that will make it look good.

Faster and bigger, it grows when there is more light.

You might not have a lot of light, like only north-facing windows. The Monstera will adapt to that amount of light as well!

The only place you should not put it is near a window that faces south.

OK if you have light white curtains that keep the plant’s leaves from burning but let in light. There are other ways you can avoid this: Keep it a few feet from the window.


At your home, Monstera Adansonii will love to live in a place that is very wet. When I say humid, you might think of a bathroom or kitchen right away, right? While plants like moist places, they also like open places. Then, if you want to put your Monstera in the bathroom, be sure to let it air out first.

In any case, you can keep your Monstera Adansonii in any room of your house. During the winter, move it away from heat sources.


During the growing season, from March/April to October, I feed it once a month with a liquid houseplant fertilizer that is good for all kinds of plants. This is what I do with the fertilizer: I mix it with water the same way the bottle says. Make sure you read the directions and mix the fertilizer the right way. Different brands use different amounts of fertilizer and water.

Don’t think of fertilization as “the more fertilizer, the better.” Giving too much fertilizer can be bad for your plants.


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