Alocasia Azlanii

Alocasia Azlanii is a newly discovered, uncommon species whose magnificent leaves have a violet sheen that accentuates the veins and has a pinkish brown suffusion.


Please keep in mind that all of the plants we sell are bare roots. Because of the extended lack of water following a long-distance trip, all Alocasia sp. leaves turn yellow and dry. Plant it in well-draining soil, such as a mixture of coir fiber and perlite, as long as there is no root rot. After some time, new healthy green leaves will emerge. Before placing any orders, please read the terms and conditions carefully. Thank you very much!


Alocasia Azlanii is one of the world’s most valuable Alocasia species. It has a unique coloration that is not found in any other plant. The leaves are waxy and chocolate-colored, with iridescent purple veining. The leaves are green with purple veins during their juvenile stages and with new leaves. Alocasia azlanii has only recently entered cultivation and is known from only one location on the island of Borneo, Sarawak.
Alocasia azlanii is a relatively new, rare species with the most stunning leaves, which are a metallic purple with a suffused pink hue that highlights the veins. As if that wasn’t enough, this Alocasia has stunningly red leaf undersides, making it a show stopper from every angle. This tropical beauty hails from Brunei’s rain forests and will add some wildness and color to your indoor jungle!
Jewel Alocasia thrives in bright light indoors and in partial sun to shade outdoors. They also perform admirably under grow lights. High humidity promotes faster new growth. Temperatures should be between 60 and 85 degrees. Alocasia requires good soil drainage to thrive. We use a chunky mixture of coconut chips, perlite, and sparing sphagnum moss, and we let the soil dry almost completely between waterings. When it comes to jewel Alocasia, it’s best to err on the side of underwatering rather than overwatering. Fertilizer can be used at 1/4 to 1/2 strength once the roots of the plants have established. Alocasia can be particularly dramatic when it comes to shipping, but they recover quickly as long as they are not kept too wet in transit. SOAK IN WATER IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA.
Alocasia azlanii prefers bright, indirect light. Keep the plant away from heating or cold drafts, as it dislikes constant temperature changes. Water infrequently but frequently to keep the soil moist at all times. During the winter, use far less water.
Styling tip: Place it at a height, such as with a plant stand, to appreciate the beauty of both the underside and topside of the leaves.
Size: The plant stands about 15 cm tall and comes in a 12 cm pot.
Care Instructions:
This Alocasia necessitates 70-85 percent sunlight. The best sun is filtered sun (bright, indirect sunlight)
Water: The soil must be watered on a regular basis to maintain an even moisture level.
Above-average humidity
Soil: a rich organic mix that is well drained but moist. Remember to avoid wet, mucky, or dry, sandy soils. Because Alocasias are Aroids, they will thrive in a fast-draining potting mix like our Aroid Potting Mix.
Plant Toxicity: When ingested, plants are toxic to humans and animals.

Baby plant, Mature, Tissue-cultured