The Philodendron Florida Ghost is a member of the Araceae plant family. The unusual plant is an evergreen hybrid vine climber. In fact, the name “Philodendron” comes from the Greek word for “tree hugger”. The stems are much longer than those of other Philodendron species. The leaves stand out because they are not all the same shape. Every leaf on the plant has multiple lobes. When a plant begins to grow and climb, it does its own thing. The colors of the leaves are more appealing than the shapes. They begin white, hence the name “Florida ghost”. They turn a beautiful yellow-green as they age. When the Philodendron Florida matures, the leaves turn a darker green. It’s not just the appearance of this South American plant that makes it so cool. The Philodendron Florida ghost purifies the air around it.

Philodendron Florida ghost plant requires well-draining soil. This means that the soil you use must be capable of draining water well. However, you do not want the water to drain while you are watering your plant. The soil should be rich in organic matter, according to the University of Connecticut. If you do not want to buy soil, you can substitute sphagnum peat moss. You don’t need to use anything else with this moss. The moss works well because it is coarse and aerates well. The coarseness attracts water. However, the aeration allows any excess water to pass through.It makes your job a lot easier and saves you some money in the process. Bark, charcoal, and peat are included in an organic mix for the Philodendron Florida ghost. This is for plants that require a slightly acidic and slightly alkaline pH. Sphagnum peat moss, on the other hand, is more neutral. You may need to experiment to see what your Philodendron requires. Several factors, including the environment, play a role.

A Philodendron Florida ghost plant thrives in bright indirect sunlight.The plant suffers from a number of issues when exposed to direct sunlight. This includes causing the wacky leaves to wither or even scorch. There are a few options for getting the right amount of light. The simplest way to accomplish this is to place your Philodendron Florida ghost in a window facing north. It will still receive enough sunlight to produce photosynthesis. However, it is not directly exposed to the sun’s rays. If you use growing lights instead, place your plant about five inches away from the lights. It should get some sunlight without being directly under the bulb. A Philodendron Florida ghost requires equal parts day and night. This means that if you use artificial lights, you must ensure that it receives 12 hours of light. There will also be 12 hours of darkness.
You should water your Philodendron Florida ghost once a week, at most twice a week. Its requirements are smack dab in the middle.
Too much dry soil will kill the plant. Too much water, on the other hand, will. Overwatering is a common cause of root rot in Philodendrons (also known as wet feet).
Before you water the soil, make sure the first two layers, or two inches, are dry. The simplest way to test this is to stick your finger into the soil until your knuckle is in contact with it.
If the soil is wet, wait a day or two before inspecting it again. If the soil is dry, you can water the plant.
During the coldest months of the year, you only need to water the plant three times.
The cold allows water to remain in the soil for a longer period of time. As a result, you won’t have to water your plant as frequently.
Temperatures between 65F (18C) and 95F (35C) are ideal for the Philodendron Florida Ghost.
They are sensitive to cold temperatures. During the colder months, make sure the heat is set to an appropriate level so that it does not freeze.
During the winter, avoid placing it near an air conditioner or an open window.
There are no special humidity requirements for a Philodendron Florida ghost plant.
They only require a moderate amount of humidity to survive.
The healthiest Philodendron Florida ghosts, on the other hand, live in high humidity. They’re like the jungles from which they came.
You should always keep the plant at a high humidity level whenever possible.
If you live in a dry climate, you may need to add more moisture to your home to keep your plant alive.
Making a pebble tray for your Philodendron Florida ghost is the best way to increase humidity.
It’s a straightforward procedure. Fill a tray halfway with pebbles.
Fill the tray with water once you’ve finished with the pebbles. Make certain that the water does not flow over the pebbles.
All that remains is for you to place your plant on the pebbles. Moisture is created for your plant as the water evaporates.
When the tray is empty, re-fill it with water.

Nitrogen-rich fertilizer should be used for your Philodendron Florida ghost plant. This is the most important feature to look for in fertilizer.
Nitrogen will ensure that your plant’s leaves grow large and that it glows with green health.
It is safer to fertilize your plant more frequently and with half the amount of fertilizer that you normally would. Because it grows slowly, it requires more nutrition to give it a boost.
Before fertilizing your Philodendron, make sure the soil is moist. It is harmful to the roots to fertilize the plant when the soil is dry.