How to Avoid 3 Common Mistakes When Repotting Monstera Deliciosa

Overview of Repotting Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa is a popular houseplant that is known for its large, perforated leaves. These plants are relatively easy to care for, but repotting Monstera incorrectly can lead to stress and even death. Here are top 3 common mistakes to avoid when repotting your Monstera.

Using the wrong pot size

Choosing the incorrect pot size when repotting this plant is one of the most frequent errors. Stunted development, root rot, and even death are some of the detrimental effects that this may have.

By limiting the area that the plant’s roots can spread out in, a pot that is too tiny will impede the plant’s growth. Nutrient deficits may result, and the plant may not grow to its full potential size.

Problems can arise from using a pot that is too big. Root rot may result from a pot that is too big since the soil may take longer to dry up.

A decent rule of thumb is to select a pot with a diameter that is 1 to 2 inches greater than the existing pot. Additionally, it’s crucial to pick a pot with drainage holes so that extra water may drain. If you are repotting an established plant, you may want to choose a heavier pot to prevent it from toppling over. For a young plant, a lighter pot that is easier to move may be a better option.

Source: Plants For All Seasons

Using the wrong potting mix

Monstera Deliciosa plants need a well-draining potting mix. This is due to the fact that if their roots are consistently damp, they are prone to root rot. Water will swiftly drain through a well-draining potting mixture and won’t pool around the roots.

This plants also need an airy potting mix. This is because their roots need oxygen to thrive. An airy potting mix will have large particles that create air pockets in the soil.

It prefers soil that has a pH between 5.5 and 7.0 in their potting soil. You can determine the pH of the potting mixture using a pH meter or a pH test kit.

Here are some tips for choosing a good potting mix for your Monstera plant:

Look for a potting mix that is specifically designed for tropical plants or Monstera Deliciosa plants.

Avoid potting mixes that contain heavy ingredients such as clay or loam. These components have the potential to compress the soil and obstruct water drainage.

Make sure to utilize sterilized ingredients while producing your own potting mix. This will aid in halting the spread of illnesses and pests.

Here is a straightforward formula for making your own plant potting soil:

Mix all of the ingredients together and plant your Monstera plant in the mixture. 

Not breaking up the root ball

Over time, the plant’s roots can become tightly packed in the pot, forming a root ball. This can restrict the plant’s growth and make it more susceptible to pests and diseases.

Source: The Home Depot

To repot this plant, follow these steps:

  1. The day before repotting, thoroughly water the plant. This will lessen the likelihood of harming the roots and make the soil easier to work with.
  2. Gently remove the plant from its current pot. If the root ball is tightly bound, you may need to use a knife to loosen it.
  3. Break up the root ball. Gently loosen the roots with your fingers or a blunt object. Be careful not to damage any of the primary roots.
  4. Remove any dead or damaged roots. Use a sharp knife to trim any dead or damaged roots cleanly.
  5. Place the plant in the new pot and backfill with potting mix. Tamp down gently to remove any air pockets.
  6. Water the plant thoroughly and place it in a bright, indirect light location.

If your plant is particularly large, you may want to divide it into two or more plants before repotting. This will make the process easier and help to encourage new growth.


You may find information on how to avoid the top 3 mistakes when repotting Monstera deliciosa plants in the article above. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your plant thrives for many years to come.

Read more: Monstera Deliciosa Repotting Signs: A Comprehensive Guide

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